Alhumdulillah, completed “Effective Linux Commands Bootcamp” today.

The participant had 3 years of Linux/Unix experience and was thrilled to learn so many different ways to use Linux commands that he so often used on a daily basis. My only answer to his excitement was my own excitement of still being a student myself, even after 17 long years of exploring Linux.

One striking thing for him was the usage of “mkdir” for creating an entire directory structure with a single command !!

His review comments :

“ helped me lot in commands, which [I] was not knowing”

“its very good and [helps to] use it in real time scenarios”

He was fascinated by the various uses of grep, find, cut, sed and awk. Especially, the ways in which Regular Expressions can be used to exponentially enhance the power of these Power commands on Linux.

I could not stop myself from bringing a smile on my face, when he said that he knew how to use -exec with find command, but was surprised that xargs could be combined with find to do such powerful operations.

It was good to hear when he said “I have used most of these commands on a daily basis, but never knew that there so much more to them. Good to know that they can be used is so many real world scenarios

He liked the fact that, most of the things covered were actual, real world scenarios, that he himself had faced and was surprised at the various ways in which these power tools of Linux could be used to solve them.

Effective Linux Commands Bootcamp : 23, 24 Sep, 2017
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