Q No. 1 > What is a Bootcamp ?

Answer : Bootcamp is a day long event [ usually spanning a day or two ]. It is comprised of intensive programming sessions that are aimed at focussed learning.


Q No. 2 >What are the upcoming Bootcamps that I can register for ?

Answer : You can find the latest information about the upcoming Bootcamps at : http://ayralearn.com/bootcamps/upcoming-bootcamps/


Q No. 3 > Can I request for a Bootcamp ?

Answer : Yes, we conduct Bootcamps on request basis as well. For more details, please email us at helpdesk@ayralearn.com


Q No. 4 > Where can I find out more information about your Bootcamps ?

Answer : Most of the information you need about a Bootcamp should be available on the respective webpages of the corresponding Bootcamp. If you are not able to find the information that you are looking for, then please send us send us your query by writing an email to helpdesk@ayralearn.com