Vi Editor is a powerful tool that can immensely improve your productivity.
You are bound to use Vi Editor for your daily editing activities, when you use Linux/Unix for your work, be it for
- Software Development, or
- Software Testing, or
- System Administration or even
- Support activities
Most new comers of Linux/Unix, find Vi Editor to be very difficult to use. And this fear blocks them out from all the power and fun that comes along with Vi Editor.
being conducted by
this Saturday, 26-Jan-2017
from 9.30am to 11.30am
- for professionals working on Linux and other UNIX flavours
- who use Vi editor on a daily basis,
- but struggle to get any work done with it.
The main focus of “Succeeding with Vi Editor” will be to
- Give you the right perspective to succeed with Vi editor
- Make you comfortable with Vi editor commands
- Identify the various modes of Vi editor
- Learn the basic techniques to work with Vi editor
- Fall in love with Vi editor
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